
Hey, this is XiaoDong.
写写代码,看看动漫。 世界那么大,我只想宅在家~


人总有一天会离开这个世界,我们什么都带不走!但是身为人类,我们很早就发明了为了留下自己存在意义的 东西——文字!

因此,我的人生格言是:人生苦短,只要活着,就一定要奋笔疾书!无论是写论文,写日记博客,还是写代码, 我都要一直写下去!直到我离开这个世界!


—— 我的CSDN博客地址,欢迎访问

Write code, look at anime. The world is so big, I just want to stay at home~

Hi guys, my name is XiaoDong Wang, a Chinese who is very interested in animation and program.

My life motto is: Life is short, so long as you live, you must try to write!

I've done 3D printing and robotics, and now I'm turning to computers.

I am very sedentary, moderate social phobic, uncommunicative, and do not participate in any social activities.

So don't contact me in person please...

—— My CSDN blog address, welcome to visit.